Support Catholic Sisters Week

Published Feb 22, 2020

Fifty-two weeks a year women religious stand with the poor and immigrants, teach children, fight injustice, heal the sick, share spirituality, empower women, defend the planet, promote peace, create community, offer hope …

But for one week, Catholic Sisters Week March 8-14, we shine the spotlight on women religious and encourage a wide range of campaigns and events that invite all who follow Jesus to

--expand and support their gospel witness
--grow the service networks they have seeded
--share their spirituality, charisms, and community
--encourage young women to consider a vocation to religious life
--support the sisters' pastoral, teaching and prophetic works
--and focus on the new world they call into being.

Visit our website below to post an event or recognition of women religious or to find one to attend--either in your local area or online.

Catholic Sisters Week is a project of Communicators for Women Religious

Catholic Sisters Week
Contact Information: 

Linda Romey, OSB
Catholic Sisters Week Task Force