Stepping into Spring: An Embodied Spirituality Podcast

Published Apr 6, 2021

As we enter into spring, we (in the Northern hemisphere) experience more hours of light than darkness. What wisdom does Earth beckon us to receive during this moment? We’re exploring this via our seven-episode podcast, Stepping into Spring: an Embodied Spirituality Podcast. Beginning on the Spring Equinox (March 20, 2021), we’ll release a 15-minute podcast each Saturday for seven weeks inviting you to take a walk, or move however you’re able, while you listen.

Unlike other podcasts, this is not an audio clip to listen to while you cook, clean, drive, etc., but an actual meditation to focus on with your whole body. What does it mean to have a body and not just be, as Jon Collins says, a brain on a stick? What does it mean to bear witness to the gifts of our spiritual world in this moment? We’ll explore this and more with our seven presenters and accompanying weekly Zoom sessions.

We hope you’ll join us for the journey, and that you’ll invite friends near and far to join you virtually as you take a walk, or embrace movement of some kind, together. 

Dominican Sisters of Hope
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