Exploring education justice

Event date: January 12, 2021 at 3p.m., Central

Education not only shapes values and beliefs, but it also helps people grow and develop physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Education empowers people to address the urgency of our time and to act. Lack of access to quality education is one of the root causes of poverty and economic hardship which in turn drive people to choose migration as a means of seeking job opportunities and improving their lives. However, individuals belonging to marginalized groups are often denied access to adequate education, resulting in significant differences in educational success and efficacy.  

Join LCWR Region X for our next episode of "Exploring Intersections:  Catholic Sisters on Racism, Migration and Climate" airing live at 3p.m. Central, Wednesday, January 12.  Host Charish Badzinski and a panel of experts will explore education justice and how access to quality education is affected by migration, racism and climate. You can also find the recording of this and past episodes on YouTube or your favorite podcast app.  Registration is free and open to the public. To Register, visit: exploringintersections.org 

LCWR Region X
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Visit www.exploringintersections.org for more information