How living simply and intentionally can help you live sustainably

This article appears in the Notes from the Field feature series. View the full series.

veggies by Benjamin Brunner on Unsplash c.jpg

Choosing produce that isn't wrapped in plastic, if available, is a way to cut down on waste. (Unsplash/Benjamin Brunner)

Editor's note: Notes from the Field includes reports from young people volunteering in ministries of Catholic sisters. A partnership with Catholic Volunteer Network, the project began in the summer of 2015.

New York — With Earth Month coming to a close, I thought it would only be appropriate to end weeks of celebrating our environment with a video of how you can continue this momentum of appreciating nature and promoting the care of our planet.

Living in a service year and being environmentally conscious can be difficult, but in my video, I lay out some of the ways that living simply and intentionally have helped me continue my practice of low- to zero-waste living. I show how I save money when I stop and think, and I also point out the ways in which I can still work on my efforts of being more eco-friendly. In the end, I discuss my privileges and talk about how thinking about our planet first is a practice I learned when I was a young girl.

Even if you haven't cared about the environment for most of your life, it's OK to start now and start slowly. The biggest lesson I have learned from working in anti-racism and equity and in continuing my research in building a sustainable lifestyle is that true environmental justice comes from taking care of the people on this planet, too. Environmental justice directly intersects with a plethora of social justice issues, and I hope my video sheds light on how the work you may (or may not) do correlates to work that helps the Earth.

Notes from the Field: How living simply and intentionally can help you live sustainably

"Notes from the Field: How living simply and intentionally can help you live sustainably" posted to NCRonline's YouTube channel April 25, 2021

Celina Kim Chapman

Celina Kim Chapman (she, her, hers) is a Good Shepherd Volunteer working for Good Shepherd Services Anti-Racism and Equity Branch in New York.

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