Can memorized prayers turn you into a prayer robot?

(Unsplash / Rock'n Roll Monkey)

A listener asks: Why do Catholics use the same memorized prayers all the time? Turning into a prayer robot can be a risk that calls on us to pay more attention to the words of that Hail Mary. But Immaculate Heart of Mary Sr. Mindy Welding also sees the spiritual value of rote prayers — when we do not know how to pray, when we need to go deeper into ourselves to lift our hearts to God.

Click here to listen to the full "Ask Sister" podcast.

GSR shares clips from our friends at A Nun's Life Ministry, which has a live prayer podcast on Monday (excluding holidays) at 4 p.m. Central Time. Check out full episodes of all their podcasts (Ask Sister, Motherhouse Road Trip, and In Good Faith) on their website.
