December 16, 2016

Forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar Assad stand atop a damaged tank Dec. 13 in the destroyed government-controlled area of Aleppo. (CNS photo / Omar Sanadiki, Reuters)

"The real victims in war are the civilians. The parents. The children. Life, ordinary and free from worry.
Always has and always will be.
War is birthed by proud leaders but is suffered by quaking masses. War comes from opposing ideology but is felt in the flesh. There is no greater crime to humanity than turning away from the suffering of fellow humans. And yet. It is natural to shrink in the face of terror.
We compare the president elect to Hitler, but not before laughing about soup nazis. We denounce the holocaust. We wonder how it could have happened.
And yet. Devastation continues on this blue and green rock. Always a new shape. Always more victims. Barricades on the heart battered apart, day after day. Screams rise into the night.
If it is true what they told me as a child — if we are the world — then we are screaming in our sleep. From coast to coast, continent to continent — the nightmare ends when humanity wakes up."


- December 14, 2014, Facebook post by Sasha Martin, founder of Global Table Adventure; author unknown
