Top 10 GSR stories of 2015, by total reading time

Anything about Benedictine Sr. Joan Chittister is always a hit on Global Sisters Report. In only a few months, readers spent 1,478 on the story about her new biography. In this photo featured in that book, she's pictured left, smiling to meet Pope John Paul II (Courtesy of Benetvision)

How long did readers spend reading GSR stories in 2015?

In addition to great year-end roundups by GSR managing editor Pam Cohen and U.S. liaison Franciscan Sr. Jan Cebula, we’ve crunched the numbers to bring you this list of the 10 favorite Global Sisters Report stories ranked by the total amount of time readers have spent looking at them.

Some stories made multiple year-in-review lists, including Carol K. Coburn’s story on Catholic nuns in Selma, and others make their winner’s circle debut here.

Ecological justice and activism coverage kept readers on the page in 2015. In fact, visitors spent a total of two months on Franciscan Sr. Ilia Delio’s response to Pope Francis’ encyclical on the environment. Readers also spent plenty of time exploring our coverage of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious — more than the average American does sleeping each year.

1. The Selma effect: Catholic nuns and social justice 50 years on

2. New book details life of Benedictine Sr. Joan Chittister

3. Lex credendi, lex viviendi: A response to Laudato Si'

4. LCWR evaluates end of mandate

5. Los Angeles convent dispute speaks to larger issues of property rights for sisters

6. Reactions of relief as LCWR oversight ends

7. LCWR president: A new era of communion with Vatican closes ‘cultural chasm’

8. New study: Number of US women religious about the same as a century ago

9. Changing reality of religious life takes stage at LCWR conference

10. Two ways to speak the truth in love

[Brittany Wilmes is engagement editor for GSR and NCR. Her email address is]
