August 26, 2015

Nigerians vote near Lagos April 26, 2011. In North Nigeria, women were first allowed to vote in 1978; in South Nigeria, 1958. (CNS photo / George Esiri, EPA)

"When women are empowered, whole families benefit, and these benefits often have a ripple effect on future generations."

- United Nations Population Fund site, gender equality tab

When women are empowered, whole families benefit, and these benefits often have a ripple effect on future generations. - See more at:
When women are empowered, whole families benefit, and these benefits often have a ripple effect on future generations. - See more at:"

August 26 is known as Celebrate Equality Day (in the United States) because it marks the anniversary of when the 19th Amendment to the United States Consitution was signed into law, extending the right to vote to women in 1920.
