August 21, 2015

Israeli heavy equipment loads an olive tree after it was uprooted to to make way for the controversial separation barrier in the Cremisan Valley in Beit Jalla, West Bank, Aug. 20. Israeli has resumed the construction of a section of the separation barrier which lies between the Israeli settlement Gilo and Beit Jalla, despite a court ruling in April against work on the barrier. An August ruling opened the way for construction. (CNS photo / Debbie Hill)

"It is like putting a light in a dark place."

- Sr. Ferial of the Infant Jesus, a member of the Carmelite convent that Mariam Baouardy, Blessed Mary of Jesus Crucified, founded in Bethlehem, quoted in Christian leaders hope Palestinian saints can be intercessors for peace, from Catholic News Service and published on Global Sisters Report May 8, 2015

Related: Court blocks Israeli plan to extend separation wall through convent

More recent stories from these sources: Vatican Radio, Independent Catholic News, Middle East Monitor
