June 12, 2015

An Afghan boy works at a brick-making factory in Kabul in July 2010. Laborers, most of whom work barefoot and without gloves, earn $3-$8 depending on their working hours and the number of bricks made in a day. (CNS photo / Ahmad Masood, Reuters)

"Children are the living messages we send to a time we will not see."

- Neil Postman, from The Disappearance of Childhood, 1982

June 12 is U.N. World Day Against Child Labor.

World Day 2015 calls for:

  • Free, compulsory and quality education for all children at least to the minimum age for admission to employment and action to reach those presently in child labour;
  • New efforts to ensure that national policies on child labour and education are consistent and effective;
  • Policies that ensure access to quality education and investment in the teaching profession.
