Nuns on the Bus - Countdown to Election Day

Rallying the voters at the stop at Shoppes at Madison Avenue in Council Bluffs, Iowa. (Courtesy of NETWORK)

Council Bluffs, Iowa — The Nuns on the Bus visited Council Bluffs, Iowa, on the second day of their We the People, We the Voters 2014 tour back on Sept. 18. On Wednesday, they were back to visit and help canvassers go into the neighborhoods and collect early-voting ballots from people.

In the afternoon, they were doing the same in Red Oak, Iowa, and even made a stop to the “old railroad town” of Creston.

Those are the words of Sr. Bernadine Karge, OP, who provided a News from the Road post on the Nuns on the Bus website, where we’ve been anxiously watching for updates, ever since the tour was extended past Oct. 20 all the way through to Election Day.

Reading all the sisters’ accounts of the stops, the conversations with people and the energy that is buzzing around this midterm election adds up to a great story of, what Sr. Simone Campbell has dubbed, “the 100%.”

Today, the sisters are in Des Moines and Davenport, and Saturday they head to Dubuque and then cross into Wisconsin for four more stops until Nov. 4, 2014, is done, the polls close and the returns start to roll in.

The bus is loaded with signatures from voters pledging to vote Nov. 4, 2014. Here it is rolling into Red Oak, Iowa, on Oct. 29. (Courtesy of NETWORK)
These young women of Red Oak, Iowa, were excited to sign the bus and document it with a photo. (Courtesy of NETWORK)
