Discernment’s effect on spiritual identity

A listener writes in with this situation: "I decided not to enter religious life but want to stay in touch with the nuns. Or will that be too awkward?"

In this Random Nun Clip, we take a question from a listener who discerned religious life with a congregation and then felt called elsewhere. She wants to stay in contact with the sisters, but now it feels awkward.

The purpose of discernment is to see where God is calling a person.

To hear the full episode of this Ask Sister podcast (or to see what other topics were covered Feb. 12, 2014), click here.

GSR shares clips from our friends at  A Nun’s Life Ministry, which has a live prayer podcast on Monday (excluding holidays) at 4 p.m. Central Time and other live podcasts throughout the month: “Ask Sister,” “Motherhouse Road Trip” and “In Good Faith.” Dates and times for the full, live episodes are listed on their program schedule.