Sisters of Life -Invitation to Virtual Gala

Published Apr 29, 2020

The Sisters of Life invite you to a virtual evening in place of their annual dinner gala in New York which had to be cancelled this year due to the Coronavirus.  All are welcome to join us on Thursday, April 30 at 8 pm ET for an experience of beauty, hope and joy reflecting on the truth of the goodness of each human person, made in the image and likeness of God.  Together with our friends and benefactors, we are pleased to honor Jeanne Mancini, President of the March for Life, with the annual Cardinal O’Connor Award.

Free online registration at 

By attending, you'll be:

-Inspired by a message of hope from Mother Agnes
-Included in the prayers of the Sisters of Life
-Introduced to all the missions of the community
-Connected with the Sisters during this time of sheltering in
-Motivated to support their important work at a crucial time
-Uplifted by an evening celebration of life!  

The Sisters of Life are a contemplative/active Roman Catholic community of women religious, who profess the three traditional vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience, and a fourth vow to protect and enhance the sacredness of human life. We were founded by Cardinal John O’Connor in New York in 1991, and currently serve in the [Arch]dioceses of New York, Bridgeport, Philadelphia, Denver, Washington, D.C., and Toronto, Canada. Our missions include serving women who are vulnerable to abortion, hosting weekend retreats; evangelization; outreach to college students in Colorado; and helping women who have suffered after abortion to encounter the mercy and healing of Jesus Christ.


Sisters of Life
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