Lessons in %2

Lessons in Lent

Fresh approach could bring us nearer to God

Week 1: As Jesus heads to the desert to be tempted, we wander outside our comfort zone and find paths to growth.

A season of renewal, recovery, discovery

Week 2: The Transfiguration of Jesus reminds us of the important work of spiritual renewal we take on during Lent.

Listening more deeply during Lent

Week 3: Jesus' encounter with the woman at the well invites us to explore new ways of listening.

Adding to the beauty during Lent

Week 4: Jesus cures a man born blind as we explore the beauty to be found even in the messiness of life.

Embracing practices that spark joy

Week 5: The raising of Lazarus shines light on the people, things and practices that connect us more deeply to God.

Immigrant's trek echoes Way of Cross

Week 6: The journey of an immigrant inspires us to reflect on the ways people walk today with Jesus on the Way of the Cross.

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