Lessons in %2

Lessons in Race Relations

Sisters apologize for rejecting black woman

A community of sisters discovers that it once rejected a woman because of her race. More than a half-century later, it seeks forgivness, healing and hope.

Fighting racism in Baltimore

By educating and empowering women of all ages, sisters in Baltimore are giving dignity to black women, who often are overlooked in efforts to promote racial justice.

Inner awareness guides efforts to curb racism

We must first become aware of our own inner conflicts and challenges if we want to work for racial harmony and peace.

White people challenged to be part of solution

A white sister examines how racism is entrenched in American society and the role she plays. She challenges herself and others to work intentionally toward solutions.

Combatting racism in Cincinnati

Sisters in Cincinnati are leading community activism and public discussions to address racial divides after the 2015 shooting of an unarmed black man by a white police officer.

Anti-racism efforts in Ferguson continue

Sisters in the St. Louis area reflect on their efforts to fight racism in the wake of the 2014 shooting of Michael Brown and the racial unrest that followed.

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