Lessons in %2

Lessons in Environment

Exploring our spiritual connection to creation

While some still don’t acknowledge climate change, we must realize we're in service to future generations and to the planet. These realizations don't come from data alone.

Hondurans care for the Earth

Dozens of sisters joined a caravan to Honduras, where they discovered farming practices that hurt the environment and displaced people.

Sisters' efforts bring clean water to people

The Sister Water Project is one of many sister-led efforts to bring clean drinking water to people. It changes the lives of those who get fresh water and those who work to help bring it to them.

Sisters promote organic farming in Vietnam

Sisters in Vietnam counteract the country's massive use of pesticides and herbicides by educating farmers about health risks.

Sisters help islanders facing rising seas

The Good Samaritan Sisters, including two young women from Kiribati, are working to make a difference as that island nation responds to the impact of climate change.

Sisters seek sustainability by caring for creation

Three congregations of sisters are changing the way they use land and energy and are reducing the amount of garbage they generate.

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