New lighting efficiency standards will save us money and lower carbon footprints

In late 2007, President Bush signed a federal energy bill that established energy efficiency standards for the common light bulb. These standards essentially retire the 130-year-old incandescent, which is so inefficient that 90 four billion screw-based sockets in the US, so this is a really big deal. Unfortunately some have decided to launch a campaign to “save” the inefficient incandescent light bulb. Last month, Rep. Joe Barton of Texas introduced legislation that would return us to the past; its backers are spreading loads of misinformation along the way. The legislation represents a disturbing trend of bashing energy efficiency regulations across the board, regardless of their benefits.

New national lighting efficiency standards will gradually retire the 125-year-old inefficient light bulb, which is easily the least efficient piece of equipment in our homes. In its place will be a broad suite of new and improved bulbs, all of which use a lot less energy to produce the same amount of light and will save consumers money. And what could be better than a light bulb that lowers electricity bills and carbon footprints?

Read about the new standards and opposing legislation on Noah Horowitz's blog on the Natural Resources Defense Council staff blogging site.