Seeking: Correspondent for edification

(Joanna Kosinska, via and used under Creative Commons zero)

How do I find a spiritual pen-pal? In this Random Nun Clip, a listener asks how to find a pen-pal for spiritual convo (conversation).

There is an intimacy in act of relating to someone through traditional, non-electronic letter-writing, from one's handwriting itself to the stationery chosen to bear the writer's words. It's all part of the rich tapestry of this pen-pal experience. And even if you don't find a sister to correspond with, there can be a moral uplift in doing so.

To hear the full episode (and see a list of other topics that came up) click here to go to the podcast's page.

GSR shares clips from our friends at A Nun’s Life Ministry, which has a live prayer podcast on Monday (excluding holidays) at 4 p.m. Central Time and other live podcasts throughout the month: Ask Sister, Motherhouse Road Trip and In Good Faith. Dates and times for the full, live episodes are listed on their program schedule.