A lot can change in 50 years

This article appears in the See for Yourself feature series. View the full series.

The month of January is either the coldest month of the year, if you live in the Northern Hemisphere, or it can be the warmest month of the year, if you live in the Southern Hemisphere. For northerners, this is our midpoint of the winter season, but for those in the southern globe this month is the midpoint of the summer season.

Since the USA is in the Northern Hemisphere, we think in terms of heat-seeking activities, which could be why January is national Soup Month, Hot Tea Month, and Oatmeal Month. Cozy fireplaces, warm afghans, and casseroles provide comfort against howling winds and snowy outdoor conditions.

January 2016 starts off the year celebrating the Highway Safety Act and the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act, both of which were passed 50 years ago in 1966. This legislation greatly impacted automobile safety and led to the mandatory installation of seat belts. The NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration) was created in 1970 and tasked with writing and enforcing federal motor vehicle standards.

Every state but one requires seat belt use (all except New Hampshire). NHTSA's duties also include maintaining data files regarding vehicular crashes and fatalities. NHTSA found that seat belt use reduces serious crash-related injuries and death by half; in 2014 there were 2.3 million persons injured in car accidents in the USA but 32,675 deaths. Using seatbelts could have saved 16,337 lives.

Maybe this is why January is also National Thank You month.

[Sr. Nancy Linenkugel is a Sylvania Franciscan sister and chair of the department of Health Services Administration at Xavier University, Cincinnati Ohio.]