Clap it up

This article appears in the See for Yourself feature series. View the full series.

One of the tough things about being an MC who needs to introduce several individuals is how to do that efficiently by not taking forever and how to give directions about the applause. We’ve all attended programs in which the instructions are to “hold your applause until everyone has been introduced.” So far, so good.

Recently I attended a college student-run event in which there were at least 25 persons’ names mentioned for being part of the effort. The MC dutifully instructed everyone to applaud at the end and proceeded to methodically mention any and every student who did even one thing for the organization over the past year. So far, not so good.

At the end of the list that came after a full five minutes of verbal accolades, the MC couldn’t understand why there wasn’t much applause. To get everyone to applaud, the MC exhorted, “Clap it up, people!” That command resulted in a more exuberant show of appreciation.

Clap it up.

When you feel you’ve worked for way too long on an initiative, the energy comes from somewhere to finish it. Clap it up.

When you’ve not making any progress on a tough situation, somehow you reach in and stay hopeful. Clap it up.

When the storm is darkest and no clearing is appearing, eventually there comes a thunder. Clap it up.

[Sr. Nancy Linenkugel is a Sylvania Franciscan sister and chair of the department of Health Services Administration at Xavier University, Cincinnati Ohio.]