Victoria Larson works with UNANIMA International, a coalition of 20 congregations of women religious worldwide that does advocacy and education at the United Nations in various areas of human rights and social development. She graduated from Vassar College in 2014 with a degree in geography and plans to attend law school and spend her career advocating for migrants, girls and other vulnerable populations.

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Including girls' voices in their own empowerment

The Economic and Social Council Chamber at the United Nations headquarters is typically buzzing with ambassadors and representatives in suits and interns frantically taking notes, creating a constant clicking of pens and laptops. But on Oct. 10, 2014, I walked into the ECOSOC chamber to find hundreds of girls from around the country with their mentors, chatting and anxious for the event that was about to start: The Speak Out is in celebration of the International Day of the Girl, a day declared by the General Assembly in 2011 in recognition of the potential and importance of girls. The day is a global movement that refreshes activists and advocates to continue their fight for the full recognition of girls’ human rights.