Traci comes to NCR from Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism, where she received a master’s degree in news reporting and magazine writing. She covered health and science, arts and culture and travel stories in Medill’s Chicago newsroom and also spent three months in their Washington, D.C., newsroom, where she covered Pope Francis’ visit to the U.S. as well as various stories on Capitol Hill. Prior to Medill, Traci spent four years in Palermo, Italy (Sicily), teaching English. Born and raised in Kansas City, Mo., she is happy to be back in the Midwest covering all things Catholic.

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On the streets of Sicily, global sisters accompany African migrants

Eleven sisters make up the Migrant Project/Sicily, a program founded by the International Union Superiors General (UISG) in Rome to aid migrants in Sicily by developing one-on-one relationships with them and helping them assimilate to their new home. About half a year into their mission, the sisters , from eight countries and eight congregations, have witnessed first-hand the motivations and frustrations of people coming from Africa looking for a better life.

Francis' female deacon commission brings hope, caution

NCR collected reactions to Pope Francis' announcement May 12 to create a commission to examine the history of female deacons in the Catholic church.