Sr. Rose Pacatte, a member of the Daughters of St. Paul, is the founding director of the Pauline Center for Media Studies in Los Angeles. She is an award-winning film journalist and author or co-author of 15 titles on film, film and Scripture and media literacy education. She has a master's of education in media studies degree from the University of London. Her dissertation for her doctorate in pastoral ministry from the Graduate Theological Foundation is entitled "To Seek God's Face: Theological Approaches to Film." You find all her NCR reviews and articles at

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A rabbi and a sister suggest a Judeo-Christian New Year's resolution

From National Catholic Reporter: Amid today's hostility and incivility, reflect on the sanctity of words. They are the way that we invite others in, to give them some understanding of who we are. If our souls are holy, then so too are words.

One nun's take on horror film 'The Nun'

NCR Preview: "The Nun" is a scare-fest with a very thin plot, one-dimensional characters, and a premise that shows little familiarity with actual Catholicism. In fact, I was more bothered by this than the sight of possessed nuns with gory faces infesting the night with fright.

The people in my pocket

Are we not obligated to take on all the needs of the people in the world? Is this not our job, our vocation, our very reason for being as men and women religious in the church and the world?

Creator of 'Novitiate' film wants audiences to focus on coming-of-age story

After seeing "Novitiate," I told the publicists it was bold, provocative and artistic, and it is. There is much in the film that has the ring of truth and a past reality. It is highly watchable. The scene that derailed me early on, however, was that a non-baptized person would be accepted into the postulancy like everyone else with no reference to baptism or the sacraments.