Roger Vermalen Karban is a priest of the Belleville, Illinois., diocese and pastor-emeritus of Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish in Renault, Illinois. He holds a licenciate in theology from the Gregorian University in Rome and did his scripture studies at St. Louis University. He teaches scripture courses at St. Louis University and Southwestern Illinois College.

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The Holy Spirit's disruptions of wind, noise and fire

Daily Easter Reflections: It is providential that June begins with the feast of the Ascension. This celebration always brings up a basic biblical problem: What happened to Jesus after his resurrection? Our first two Gospels — Mark and Matthew — simply leave us hanging.


The constantly changing Christian community

Daily Easter Reflections: Those educated in vintage Catholic schools, like myself, were often supplied with seemingly iron-clad proofs that our church was the "true" church. 


Emptying ourselves as Jesus did

Daily Lenten Reflections: No Scripture passage could set a more insightful theme for the month of April than the Fifth Sunday of Lent’s first reading. The only problem is that it should be read in its original Hebrew, not in an English translation.



On the verge of Lent, remember the essentials

Daily Lenten Reflections: It is significant this year that the month containing the first four liturgical readings for Lent begins with the Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time. The Scripture passages for that weekend set the theme for the other four.