Good Samaritan Sr. Patty Fawkner is the congregational leader of the Sisters of the Good Samaritan. She is an adult educator, writer and facilitator with formal tertiary qualifications in arts, education, theology and spirituality. Patty is interested in exploring what wisdom the Christian tradition has for contemporary issues. She has an abiding interest in questions of justice and spirituality.

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Cometh the moment, cometh the women

One lens with which to view history is the leadership that emerges during times of crises. We have witnessed displays of fine leadership in response to the coronavirus pandemic — led by women.

Science, the existence of suffering, and God

Terrorism in Paris, flooding in Bangladesh, Ebola in Africa, family violence everywhere. The suffering in our world is of such magnitude that each of us must find a way of dealing with it or accommodating it within our meaning-making scheme. Some people look for someone to blame and often that someone is God.