I love the Mass, imperfect as it is

Soul Seeing: Cobbled together as the Mass is, in my heart I know that the risen Christ is there among all of us imperfect Catholics and random sinners. 

Book Review

Letters from C.S. Lewis offer ëspiritual companionshipí

YOURS, JACK: SPIRITUAL DIRECTION FROM C.S. LEWIS edited by Paul F. Ford. HarperOne (2008), 374 pp., $23.95

C.S. Lewis (1898-1963), a British Anglican author and professor of English literature, first at Oxford, then at Cambridge, wrote numerous books that continue to sell not just well but very well more than four decades after his death. The name in the title of this book comes from his nickname, "Jack," used by friends and family, and which he preferred to his given name of Clive Staples.

It's no surprise whenever a new collection of C.S. Lewis material comes out in book form, given his continuing popularity. The theme that unites the hundreds of letters in this volume is the author's experience and practice of the art of spiritual direction.