Northern Ireland religious, officials apologize to abuse survivors

Government officials in Northern Ireland and representatives of religious orders who managed state institutions apologized to survivors of abuse at those institutes.

Irish commission: Grave for children was improper, but not a septic tank

The commission investigating the historic treatment of unmarried mothers and their children in religious-run care homes in Ireland has dismissed claims that an underground burial plot was in fact a sewage tank.

Irish government approves excavation of former mother and baby home site

The Irish government has approved a forensic excavation of the site of a former state-funded, Catholic-run mother and baby home in the west of the country. Katherine Zappone, minister for children and youth affairs, announced the excavation Oct. 23.

Irish government finalizes terms of inquiry into mother-baby homes

The Irish government is finalizing the parameters of a judicial inquiry into church-run state-funded mother and baby homes. The inquiry comes amid increased disquiet about some of the reporting of the original story of St. Mary's Home in Tuam, run by the Bon Secours congregation of nuns.