Volunteers are on a mission to get safe drinking water to Kentucky county

Kentuckians are on a mission to bring safe drinking water to Perry County, where parts of the water infrastructure were destroyed in flooding that began July 26 in eastern Kentucky.

Sisters committed lives to serving poor, vulnerable people in Mississippi

Sisters of Charity of Nazareth Sr. Paula Merrill, a member of the congregation since 1979, was found murdered Aug. 25 along with Sr. Margaret Held, a member of the School Sisters of St. Francis in Milwaukee, in the home they shared in Durant, Mississippi. The Mississippi Department of Public Safety announced late Aug. 26 that Rodney Earl Sanders, 46, of Kosciusko, Mississippi, had been charged with two counts of capital murder in connection with the deaths.

Cloister's restrictions allow them to be 'free for God,' say Carmelites

Nestled beside St. Agnes Church and School, the Carmelite Monastery blends into the brick facades that line a busy stretch of Newburg Road in Louisville. Carpooling families and dwellers of the Highlands area zip by at all hours rushing from one commitment to the next. In contrast, behind the monastery's pale orange bricks, eight women religious – members of the Order of Discalced Carmelites – have only one commitment. They live a quiet, intense life of prayer in the tradition of St. Teresa of Avila, the 16th-century Spanish mystic and doctor of the church.