Mariam Williams is a writer, arts educator, and public historian living in Philadelphia, raised in Kentucky. She holds a Master of Fine Arts degree in creative writing and certificate in public history from Rutgers University-Camden and is also a proud VONA alumna. See more of her work at or follow her on Twitter: @missmariamw.
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A Black nun and a Black writer look at Black Power

From NCR - Earlier this month, I received a rather nasty email via my website. On the contact form, the sender stated her "Reason for Contact" as "Affronted Catholic." She had been to NCR's website and read my post-election column.

Feminism and Christianity don't have to be mutually exclusive

From - Although the Nuns on the Bus, films such as "Radical Grace" and books like Jesus Feminist have or are gaining some notoriety, in academia, the binary is so acute that little research exists on just how women manage to occupy both identities. One woman who could be considered a model for how faith informs one's feminism: Sr. Lucy Freibert.