Margaret Gonsalves is a Sister for Christian Community and feminist theologian active in the Ecclesia of Women in Asia and Indian Women Theologians Forum. As founder of ANNNI Charitable Trust, she networks in solidarity with nongovernmental organizations to run free residential programs in intensive spoken English to empower Indigenous girls and women. She organizes MADness workshops to implement the United Nations' sustainable development goals as well as the spirituality of Laudato Si' and Fratelli Tutti.

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The 'son option' and clericalism create distorted, toxic masculinity

In every Indian culture the birth of a son is preferred. The son is considered the preserver of the family name and heritage, and he is accorded preferential treatment. This also applies to the priest in the church.

Even at Christmas, it's not calm and bright for everyone

Kindly keep your physical eyes closed and inner eyes wide open. Decorations may sparkle this time of year, but pain and injustice abound. This pandemic Advent has brought a new light of interconnectedness and solidarity among people of goodwill who fearlessly advocate for peace and betterment of all.

Pope Francis' encyclical 'Fratelli Tutti' and a virtual, welcoming church

Talking with people about their pandemic experience of attending Mass (or not) led me to an awareness of what type of church is emerging, and to consider how Fratelli Tutti is a clarion call to a new way of ministering.

This Kinship Community envisions a world in which all are commissioned to proclaim good news

In an imaginary conversation with churchgoers at the first Easter breakfast, Mary Magdalene describes life in the Kinship Community, an ecumenical community of believers. The only rules for the small group of Jesus' followers were to love God, love your neighbors and follow the Beatitudes scrupulously, she says.