Karan Varker is a Sister of Charity of Australia. She has been a teacher in in Papua New Guinea, America Samoa and Australia, served as a principal in Australia and Samoa, and trained Catholic teachers in Samoa and the Solomon Islands. She has degrees in theology and education and a Ph.D. in spiritual companioning of Catholic school staff members, from the School of Philosophy, History and Religion at the University of Queensland, Australia. Varker's present ministry is concerned with the spirituality of teachers. She is also a contributor to the first round of the GSR series "The Life."

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From darkness to light, from despair to hope

Learning from the Resurrection message, in this time of darkness, as we witness suffering and death, how are we being called to reach out in compassion to those around us?

Australia: Our sun-burnt country

This terrible disaster, the widespread and wild-burning fires in Australia, raises for us the question of when our citizens and our government are going to officially acknowledge the reality of climate change and the implications this will have for our land and our economy.

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I am Rachel: a midwife meditation

Though he is soaked in blood, carrying a cross, being jeered at, falling and beaten till he stands again, instinctively I know who he is — the lovely child I delivered.