Sr. Julianna Francis Marie Vagnozzi is a Felician sister based in California.  After early ministry as an elementary school teacher, she did graduate study in liturgy and liturgical music, and began work as a parish director of music and liturgy. She spent a few years doing double duty as archivist and food service manager at Assumption Convent in New Mexico. She is currently serving in her own high school in Pomona, in the office for development/alumni outreach, as editor of the alumni newsletter, and as the regional Felician associate coordinator.  Throughout her career, she has continued to work in parish music and sing in choirs such as the Sisters in Song National Choir.

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A transition to wholeness, healing

I realized while on sabbatical that I had lost my true, in-my-core sense of self. When I was asked who I was, I would answer Oh, I'm a singer, or I'm a caregiver, or I'm an abuse victim. I had forgotten entirely that, first and foremost, my identity is I'm a beloved daughter of God.