Janet M. Peterworth is a native of Louisville, Kentucky. With an academic background in English, pastoral work, clinical pastoral education, and nonprofit board education, she has worked with a variety of educational and nonprofit agencies and served as a group facilitator and strategic planner. She has directed nonprofits in Appalachia and served as board chair of the John A. Sheppard Memorial Ecological Reservation, a land trust dedicated to preserving the mountains in Mingo County, West Virginia. She has served on a number of other boards and advisory groups. In August 2020, Sr. Janet Marie completed her six-year term as president of the Ursuline sisters of Louisville, Kentucky.

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Floods: Ever old, ever new

In a few months, the mess from Kentucky's flood will be cleaned up. But climate change will continue to cause extreme weather. And people affected will still need sympathetic ears.

Generation after generation of women religious have done great things

Perhaps my generation could be called the "greatest generation" of women religious, but I must trust there is another generation coming — a generation who is equally great.

The times, they are a-changin'. Get used to it.

When Jesus called his disciples, he was looking to create a different kind of community. That concept resonates today, as we all confront new ways of living amid a pandemic, the threat of cataclysmic climate change, and social upheaval.

Former Kentucky convent finds new life as compassionate care home

A former Ursuline convent in Louisville, Kentucky, finds new life as a compassionate care home, the brainchild of a co-member of the Sisters of Loretto. It's one of many success stories of former religious properties pouring new wine in old wineskins.