Eloise Rosenblatt is a Sister of Mercy of the Americas from California. After a decade teaching English and religion in high school, she obtained an advanced degree in theology and ministered in academia for 20 years in teaching and administration. She later went into law and for 10 years has been practicing family law as a civil attorney in private practice, serving both paying and pro bono clients, mostly women. Currently, she is a member of a writing team with the Canon Law Society of America, producing a handbook on religious life.

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Citizenship and religious vows

In recent years I have engaged in a form of lectio divina on July 4. On the morning of U.S. Independence Day, I re-read the United States' Declaration of Independence. Last year, I reflected on the reference to "merciless Indian Savages." This year, I noticed that well over half the document is a complaint listing specific acts of oppression by the king of England.

On being a nun and a lawyer

A retired bishop laughingly feigned disbelief — "How can you be a nun and a lawyer?" It would be silly not to just enjoy the bishop's humorous welcome, and leave it at that. But he was onto something.