Older Catholics reflect on pandemic's effect on faith life, how they cope

Early in the coronavirus pandemic, even before Archbishop Alexander K. Sample of Portland canceled public Masses, the advice came that Catholics 60 and older should stay away from liturgies.

Catholic deaf group re-energized with Masses, social media, youth

The Field Hospital: The Catholic Deaf Community of the Archdiocese of Portland, Oregon, formed 60 years ago and recently energized with Masses in sign language each Sunday, a website, social media and a youth group.

Oregon church activities curtailed by smoke from wildfires

Catholic churches and homes in southern Oregon are safe so far amid wildfires, but persistent smoke has suppressed activities — and spirits.

Archbishop Sample 'shaken to core,' calls for lay-run abuse investigation

Portland Archbishop Alexander Sample issued a letter Aug. 20 to western Oregon Catholics in which he expresses shock, anger and discouragement over revelations of clergy sex abuse in other parts of the country.